For our technology class we created a video presentation of our philosophy of education. A lot of the current buzz in social studies education has to do with increasing the focus on critical thinking, research, and problem solving. I agree; my personal belief is that content must be both woven into a deeper understanding of the larger context and driven towards imaginative and analytical thought. You can watch my philosophy movie by clicking below.
For a list of images used in the presentation, click here.
I enjoyed the process of creating this video, technical issues notwithstanding. Having to trim down my philosophy to fit into around 90 seconds of audio really helped me think about what I value most in education. I was also encouraged by how easy it was to create a reasonably polished video, as this makes me think that such a project could be incorporated into a classroom setting with a little bit of planning and initiative. Having seen how well my students react to other projects involving technology, I feel like a video project would be a good way both to engage the students and to help them reach another level of technological literacy.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Article Assessment: Tools for the Mind
Technology specialist Mary Burns lays out her reasoning for rethinking the use of technology in the classroom in this insightful piece in Educational Leadership magazine. Burns argues that current use of technology in education is misguided, focusing on low-order thinking and presentation rather than on helping to develop critical thinking and analysis abilities. Reliance on "show-and-tell applications" like Word, Powerpoint, and Publisher, and an emphasis on presentation rather than analysis has made ineffectual use of the educational possibilities of technology. NCLB requirements have further shackled schools regarding technology by encouraging a reallocation of technology funds from instruction into data-management in order to meet NCLB reporting and accountability requirements.
What is needed, argues Burns, is to refocus on critical thinking and curriculum and to integrate technology as it best serves learning rather than using technology simply to improve student engagement. In order to foster critical thinking and analysis skills through technology we must move beyond show-and-tell applications to technologies that enable students to analyze and interpret data and to explore concepts more deeply and meaningfully. Some specific examples of higher-order technology include:
From a teaching standpoint, I can definitely see the benefits of a shift towards higher-order uses of technology in the classroom. Clearly, the more that we can get students to analyze and interpret data and to think clearly and critically, the deeper their understanding will be. The difficulty to be surmounted is in teaching the students to use higher-order technologies effectively. Using spreadsheets, databases, or any of the other higher-order technologies Burns lists requires specific skill sets that need to be taught. With NCLB increasingly focusing curriculum and class time towards meeting progress standards, teachers have little available time to incorporate technology training into their classes, regardless of how helpful that technology might be in deepening student learning. Teachers, tech gurus, and administrators will need to work together if students are to become proficient in and reap the benefits of the use of higher-order technology. That said, the obstacles are not insurmountable. Education professionals all have in mind the best interest of their students, and if higher-order technology is given the chance and can show itself to be beneficial, certainly it will find its way into the classroom.
What is needed, argues Burns, is to refocus on critical thinking and curriculum and to integrate technology as it best serves learning rather than using technology simply to improve student engagement. In order to foster critical thinking and analysis skills through technology we must move beyond show-and-tell applications to technologies that enable students to analyze and interpret data and to explore concepts more deeply and meaningfully. Some specific examples of higher-order technology include:
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Computer Aided Design and Drafting programs (CADD)
- Simulations
From a teaching standpoint, I can definitely see the benefits of a shift towards higher-order uses of technology in the classroom. Clearly, the more that we can get students to analyze and interpret data and to think clearly and critically, the deeper their understanding will be. The difficulty to be surmounted is in teaching the students to use higher-order technologies effectively. Using spreadsheets, databases, or any of the other higher-order technologies Burns lists requires specific skill sets that need to be taught. With NCLB increasingly focusing curriculum and class time towards meeting progress standards, teachers have little available time to incorporate technology training into their classes, regardless of how helpful that technology might be in deepening student learning. Teachers, tech gurus, and administrators will need to work together if students are to become proficient in and reap the benefits of the use of higher-order technology. That said, the obstacles are not insurmountable. Education professionals all have in mind the best interest of their students, and if higher-order technology is given the chance and can show itself to be beneficial, certainly it will find its way into the classroom.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Article Assessment: "The Educator's Guide to the Read/Write Web"
In this thoughtful piece about technology and the changing nature of education, author Will Richardson concisely summarizes recent technological developments and their implications in the field of education. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and the sheer ease with which information can be accessed online have created a radically different information culture which in many ways demands a rethinking of traditional educational goals and methods. In particular, Richardson argues that the traditional definition of literacy as the ability to read and write is insufficient in an age where anyone with internet access and a computer can create content which is accessible across the globe. Literacy in such a society must also include the abilities to:
As educators, Richardson's words are hugely relevant to us. Important as it is for students to be traditionally literate, it is increasingly critical that students also be able to evaluate and make intelligent use of the wealth of information at their fingertips. In an age where anyone can contribute to the body of knowledge, educators need to ensure that students develop those skills that enable them to become adept at gathering, interpreting, evaluating, and synthesizing information. The web is awash in information, some profound and enlightening, some trivial, and some disengenious or false. It is enormously important that students have the tools to intelligently evaluate information and it is the duty of the educational system to help provide those tools.
- Identify sources and gauge their credibility
- Compare new information with existing knowledge
- Evaluate the authenticity and relevance of information
As educators, Richardson's words are hugely relevant to us. Important as it is for students to be traditionally literate, it is increasingly critical that students also be able to evaluate and make intelligent use of the wealth of information at their fingertips. In an age where anyone can contribute to the body of knowledge, educators need to ensure that students develop those skills that enable them to become adept at gathering, interpreting, evaluating, and synthesizing information. The web is awash in information, some profound and enlightening, some trivial, and some disengenious or false. It is enormously important that students have the tools to intelligently evaluate information and it is the duty of the educational system to help provide those tools.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Presentation Reflection
Wow. Although I'm pretty sure that cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited under the US Constitution I just had to watch a video of myself giving a presentation and I'm almost certain that it qualifies as such. However painful it was I must admit that it was quite informative. Who knew a man could say "um" so many times in so short a span of time? Or so methodically twist a handheld marker for nearly the entirety of his presentation? Well, now I know.
That's not to say that it was all bad. I noticed that I seemed very laid back and that I spoke fairly coherently. My posture was fine and my gestures seemed natural enough. The biggest area for improvement, however, was in pacing. I noticed that most of the 50 or so "ums" that I uttered were a sort of filler while I was thinking of what to say next. While presenting it seems like a pause lasts forever, but looking at the video it was obvious that pauses are almost instantaneous and that silence is infinitely preferably to the infernal "um". Hand positioning was the other issue I noticed. I'd intentionally picked up a marker to find something for my hands to do and it most certainly worked. Perhaps a bit too well. I'm not sure if it was distracting to others, but my constant fiddling with the marker made me look nervous (fair enough) and distracted.
From a teaching standpoint, I can now totally understand why all my students find it so easy to approach/not listen to me; my laid back style seems like it would lend itself better to a question and answer format rather than direct presentation/lecture. Looking more collected and serious might be a good thing to work on and slowing down and speaking more deliberately to eliminate "ums" would be another big step in the right direction.
Bicycling and Energy Conservation
A few weeks back I set out to determine how much gas, CO2, and money I could save by undertaking my weekly commute on two wheels instead of four. Though my commute is relatively short (about 25 miles), over time the results began to add up. In one year I would be able to:
- cut my personal fuel consumption by around 3 barrels of oil
- reduce my CO2 emissions by about 1200 pounds
- save over $250 in gas money
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Philosophy of Technology in Education
We are living in an increasingly digital age. The depth and breadth of information available at the the touch of a finger is breathtaking. In education too, technology has made its presence known. Clearly, the students of today must know the tools of tomorrow, and to that end technology should be incorporated into the classroom and into class projects in such a way as to familiarize students with its possibilities. Technology can be a great tool to deepen understanding and open doors to new information and should be used as such. Its use should not be forced, but it should be incorporated when it genuinely adds to the educational experience.
Energy Awareness Project
Every human being uses energy in their day to day lives. According to the US Department of Energy, the average American uses six times more energy than the world average. Given that we use so much more than the rest of the world we have a greater responsibility to conserve energy than those who use much less. Even little steps, when taken by enough people, can make an enormous difference.
Americans are the most car-centered people on earth. Unfortunately, even very efficient cars use relatively large amounts of energy. The bicycle, however, uses no energy beyond the food needed to fuel it's rider. Just how much energy could I save by riding my bike in my daily commute instead of driving?
My weekly commute between school and work comes to around 25 miles. How much gas would I save by riding my bike? How much less CO2 would I pump into the atmosphere? How much money would I save? I determined to find out...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Floyd Dryden Technology Assessment
Over the last few weeks my counterparts and I have been exploring the technology resources available to us at FDMS. Dryden is a technologically well equipped school with a knowledgeable staff and helpful tech experts. The student population is, generally speaking, fairly tech savvy and with good reason. Dryden boasts:
- Computers in each classroom
- Smart boards available for check out
- Schoolwide Internet access
- Digital projectors and overheads in each room
- A host of education related software
Dryden staff emphasize the value of technology through its incorporation in lesson development and presentation. Though overt instruction in technology and its use are generally reserved for tech class, students are immersed in a technologically rich environment every day in their classes and there are opportunities to learn more about technology outside of class. To learn more, please consult my FDMS Technology Assessment.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Article Assessment #1
Digital Natives is an interesting article by Marc Prensky in which he addresses what he sees as the divide between pre-digital education and digital savvy students. In Prensky's view, 21st century students are "digital natives", people who have grown up in the digital environment and to whom technology and its use is second nature. We, the teachers, are with rare exception "digital immigrants" who, though we may be reasonably proficient with technology, are still far from fluent. Prensky argues that our schools are failing our students because they don't adequately incorporate technology and are thus unable to effectively engage the students. In order to rectify this situation, Prensky suggests that we as teachers should:
- incorporate aspects of digital world "gameplay" into classroom instruction
- update our subject matter so that students are exposed to 21st century material (nanotechnology, genetic medicine, neuroscience, etc)
- increase student access to digital technology in the classroom
- increase the number of courses teaching digital skills like programming
- involve students in developing instruction
- focus on engagement rather than content when planning lessons
From a teaching perspective, I both see the truth of much of what Prensky says and yet still find myself reluctant to give myself over to his solutions. It's certainly true that today's students are well acquainted with and engaged by digital technology. Gameplay undoubtedly has appeal and I know that educational games (e.g. Carmen Sandiego) exist and can be both fun and educational. Programming and other digital skills are in huge demand and I completely agree that schools should offer courses in those areas where feasible.
Clearly technology has enormous educational potential both engaging students and enhancing lessons. However, I have misgivings about technology as panacaea. The average American child already spends huge amounts of time in front of the television or playing video games. Obesity is one of our country's biggest health problems correlates rather neatly with the amount of time spent in front of computers and TVs. There is some evidence as well that social skills and attention spans have declined as kids become more and more immersed in digital worlds. Given this reality, I think that technology use in the classroom, especially in the form of digital games, should be carefully balanced with more traditional instruction.
Obviously technology and technological innovation are here to stay, and the digital world is a growing part of our reality as well. Given the increased prevalence of technology in our everyday lives, schools do have a responsibility to teach students appropriate technology and to incorporate its use where it can truly help students to learn more effectively. For me, technology has a place in the classroom supplementing traditional instruction and peer interaction.
Clearly technology has enormous educational potential both engaging students and enhancing lessons. However, I have misgivings about technology as panacaea. The average American child already spends huge amounts of time in front of the television or playing video games. Obesity is one of our country's biggest health problems correlates rather neatly with the amount of time spent in front of computers and TVs. There is some evidence as well that social skills and attention spans have declined as kids become more and more immersed in digital worlds. Given this reality, I think that technology use in the classroom, especially in the form of digital games, should be carefully balanced with more traditional instruction.
Obviously technology and technological innovation are here to stay, and the digital world is a growing part of our reality as well. Given the increased prevalence of technology in our everyday lives, schools do have a responsibility to teach students appropriate technology and to incorporate its use where it can truly help students to learn more effectively. For me, technology has a place in the classroom supplementing traditional instruction and peer interaction.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
a. How would you "grade" or assess Fox Becomes a Better Person and School Train?
The beauty of alternative assessments is that they allow students to be creative in demonstrating their understanding of a subject and to explore modes of communication other than the standard essay or research project. For School Train I liked how basic the expectation was: show an understanding of metaphor. Having simple, straightforward, open-ended expectations like this helps create an environment conducive to creativity and self expression. It also puts the impetus on the student to do their utmost to demonstrate that they really do understand. The question then becomes: did they convince me?
In School Train the students use numerous juxtapositions and direct statements to compare school to a train. For example:
- cars are classrooms
- tickets / homework
- students / passengers
- dining car / cafeteria
To me these statements clearly show that the students understand the metaphor they've created; namely, that school is a train ride. Therefore in the area of content I would give the students an "A". In grading a creative endeavor such as this I think it is also important to take effort and creativity into consideration. The students obviously put a fair amount of thought into the ways in which school mimics a train as well as significant effort in putting the whole thing together. The use of train-like sounds and classroom visuals to tie everything together shows great understanding as well as the creative use of media. I'd give them "A"s for effort and creativity as well.
Fox Becomes a Better Person is slightly different. We have no prior understanding of what the expectations are but, for the sake of grading, I'm going to say that the assignment was to synthesize traditional Native and digital storytelling by:
Fox Becomes a Better Person is slightly different. We have no prior understanding of what the expectations are but, for the sake of grading, I'm going to say that the assignment was to synthesize traditional Native and digital storytelling by:
- telling a story
- effective use of technology
- using relevant visual aids
- incorporating Native values
In regards to telling a story, the student does a fairly good job in relating the story of Fox. She speaks from memory and acts out pieces of the story to help relate what is going on. She's engaging and easy to understand. Her use of background visuals helps set the scene and gives the story a more personal feeling. Although simple, her use of technology works well. Live action over hand drawn pictures combines high and low-tech and her use of music helps introduce and bring closure to the story. She directly addresses the Native value of "speak with care" and her story indirectly portrays several more. Based on these requirements, I would give her an "A".
b. What impacts could the developments portrayed in Epic2015 have on your classroom, particularly with respect to things like podcasts?
I was thoroughly impressed by Epic2015. The synthesis of history and prophecy is eerily plausible. The confluence of information technologies, advertising, consumerism, and digital networking portrayed in Epic2015 frightens me because it so closely resembles what we're seeing already. Social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace have already achieved enormous popularity and technologies like cookies have been mapping user preferences for years. In the classroom and society in general, people are becoming more involved in their digital worlds, even as in many instances they withdraw from the world at large. Some of the larger points that Epic2015 drove home were:
b. What impacts could the developments portrayed in Epic2015 have on your classroom, particularly with respect to things like podcasts?
I was thoroughly impressed by Epic2015. The synthesis of history and prophecy is eerily plausible. The confluence of information technologies, advertising, consumerism, and digital networking portrayed in Epic2015 frightens me because it so closely resembles what we're seeing already. Social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace have already achieved enormous popularity and technologies like cookies have been mapping user preferences for years. In the classroom and society in general, people are becoming more involved in their digital worlds, even as in many instances they withdraw from the world at large. Some of the larger points that Epic2015 drove home were:
- we have, via the internet, access to a "breadth and depth of information previously unimaginable"
- technologies already exist to electronically tailor information for individual consumption
- in the digital age, huge quantities of our personal information are available online
With all of this in mind, and knowing the pace at which technology is currently developing, we as teachers need to recognize that we are inextricably caught up in the digital age. We as teachers need to understand that we are going to be teaching in an age where digital identities and cyber-bullying are big deals, where kids have multiple lives: a real, flesh and blood, physical life and an online, digitized, abstracted life. How can this reality fail to impact our classrooms? Professors at the university level, especially in distance courses, are using podcasts to post their lectures online and huge numbers of young people post their lives on Youtube or rant on blogs (like this one). The sheer amount of information available to students is truly mind-boggling and their exposure to it (be it trivial or profound) is bound to shape classroom interactions. For me, the challenge will be to harness the positive potential of technology while not being overwhelmed by the "fluff" of digital life.

c. What can students learn about math by animating a rolling ball?
Can students learn mathematical concepts by creating an animation of a ball rolling on the beach? After watching just such an animation and the process behind it, I was convinced that they could. First, the students used computer software to create a beach, and later a ball, which they then rolled along the beach. Initially they simply move the ball several units to the right, but the lack of roll sticks out as extremely unrealistic. Therefore the students had to determine how to get the ball to roll that same distance in the animation. In order to do so they had to understand several basic math concepts:

c. What can students learn about math by animating a rolling ball?
Can students learn mathematical concepts by creating an animation of a ball rolling on the beach? After watching just such an animation and the process behind it, I was convinced that they could. First, the students used computer software to create a beach, and later a ball, which they then rolled along the beach. Initially they simply move the ball several units to the right, but the lack of roll sticks out as extremely unrealistic. Therefore the students had to determine how to get the ball to roll that same distance in the animation. In order to do so they had to understand several basic math concepts:
- how to use axes (x,y,z) and what they correlate to in space
- how to calculate circumference
- how circumference relates to distance traveled in a rolling object
From an educational standpoint, I think that the lesson innovatively presented these math concepts while at the same time appropriately incorporating technology skills (digital animation) and creativity. The students also told a story by guiding us through the animation process, enabling us to better understand how they worked through the problem and overcame obstacles. Their initial attempt to move the ball along the x-axis was a failure because it resulted in the ball moving unnaturally across the beach surface. They achieved the goal of moving the ball, but it didn't look right and so they had to try again.
Thus they had to learn about circumference, how to calculate it, and then they had to apply it in relation to distance in order to make the ball roll onscreen the desired distance. In order to overcome an obstacle the students had to think more deeply about the math concepts in order to apply them to a practical and engaging problem. Having to work out how to apply these concepts the students will be more likely to remember them and to understand how they work in the real world.
d. How might you use Sabrina's piece, Sabrina Journey, as a model for something you might do with your own student.
Thus they had to learn about circumference, how to calculate it, and then they had to apply it in relation to distance in order to make the ball roll onscreen the desired distance. In order to overcome an obstacle the students had to think more deeply about the math concepts in order to apply them to a practical and engaging problem. Having to work out how to apply these concepts the students will be more likely to remember them and to understand how they work in the real world.
d. How might you use Sabrina's piece, Sabrina Journey, as a model for something you might do with your own student.
Of all the media that we looked at, Sabrina Journey was the most like something I would have my students put together. The format was essentially autobiographical with a view towards analyzing "belonging" and discussing her journey back home. It is simply formatted: a running slideshow of images over her own personal narrative, and yet it is quite effective. If I were to make it a class assignment in a language arts or social studies class I would have the students incorporate the following elements:
- a personalized written narrative (Sabrina Journey is autobiographical but the narrative could also describe a historical event, a place, culture, etc.)
- the use of appropriate images to enhance/illustrate the story
- tasteful use of music to evoke emotions
- mastery of appropriate technology
In assigning something like this I would be looking at the written narrative first and foremost. Is the student able to engagingly tell a story? Do they vary vocabulary and sentence structure? Essentially, do they have a well written backbone for their video? The rest of the project would focus on multimedia creation by teaching students to use images and music to help convey their thoughts and feelings in a creative way. Students would also have to learn how to do some basic computer video editing, thereby exposing them to the new and rapidly growing medium of digital multimedia.
The basic structure in Sabrina Journey, therefore, would be applicable to a wide range of projects in numerous subjects and would foster cross curricular learning between the arts (image and music selection/creation and use), language arts (the written narrative), and technology classes (the creation of digital multimedia). It also seems that, with kids as tech-savvy as they are these days, students would love this kind of a project.
The basic structure in Sabrina Journey, therefore, would be applicable to a wide range of projects in numerous subjects and would foster cross curricular learning between the arts (image and music selection/creation and use), language arts (the written narrative), and technology classes (the creation of digital multimedia). It also seems that, with kids as tech-savvy as they are these days, students would love this kind of a project.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Initial Thoughts
When I first heard that we'd be having to create a blog for this course I got kinda nervous. It's not that I'm necessarily computer illiterate, it's just that I'm pretty sure I've got some form of technological dyslexia or maybe even some minor technological retardation. Either way, computers and their use are not exactly my forté. On the other hand, when you start at around zero, you can really only go up from there, so let's see if I can't learn a thing or two about making technology work for me. Hell, it might even help keep me from tearing my hair out the next time my computer claims it can't find the damn printer. Some semblance of poise regarding technology in the classroom can only be a good thing.
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